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Jose M Corberan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Optimal design and operation of a multi-variable heat pump system for Sanitary Hot Water production
2019Co-Authors: Ximo Masip Sanchis, Antonio Cazorla-marín, Carla Montagud Montalvá, Javier Marchante-avellaneda, Jose M CorberanAbstract:The present work has been supported by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte inside the programme ‘Formacion de Profesorado Universitario (FPU15/03476)’
Energy and techno-economic assessment of the effect of the coupling between an air source heat pump and the storage tank for Sanitary Hot Water production
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019Co-Authors: X. Masip, Antonio Cazorla-marín, Carla Montagud-montalvá, J. Marchante, F. Barceló, Jose M CorberanAbstract:Abstract Heat pumps are proved to be a highly efficient technology for Sanitary Hot Water production. However, when installing them coupled with the storage tank, an inefficiency up to 30% can be introduced in the system since this coupling cannot be direct according to EN 1717:2000; in order to prevent from any potential pollution of potable Water in case of a refrigerant leakage. This research work evaluates three types of indirect coupling in the case of an air source heat pump system for Sanitary Hot Water production: a coil heat exchanger inside the storage tank (CC), an intermediate heat exchanger between the tank and the heat pump (EHXC) and a double wall condenser (DWCC). A techno-economic assessment was carried out for the representative climate conditions around Europe. Results show that the DWCC is always the most efficient and cost-effective solution with a 3.66% lower energy efficiency than the direct coupling (Base Case), whereas the CC is not only the less efficient solution (27.1% lower than the Base Case) but also the less cost-effective, with a 50% lower net present value than the DWCC.
Experimental study of a heat pump with high subcooling in the condenser for Sanitary Hot Water production
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:The use of heat pumps in order to produce Sanitary Hot Water have been demonstrated as a very efficient alternative to traditional boilers. Nevertheless, the high Water temperature lift (usually from 10°C to 60°C) involved in this application has conditioned the type of used solutions. In order to overcome it, transcritical cycles have been considered as the most suitable solution. The current article analyzes a new heat pump prototype able to enhance the heat pump efficiency using a subcritical cycle. The proposed prototype is able to control the system subcooling and make it capable to work at different subcoolings in the condenser. That kind of mechanism has demonstrated its capability to increase the efficiency of the heat pump. The obtained results have shown that coefficient of performance depends strongly on subcooling. In nominal condition (inlet/outlet Water temperature at evaporator is 20°C/15°C and the Water inlet/outlet temperature in the heat sink is 10°C and 60°C), the optimal subcooling is ...
evaluation of different heat pump systems for Sanitary Hot Water production using natural refrigerants
Applied Energy, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, Emilio Navarroperis, Jose Gonzalvezmacia, Jose M CorberanAbstract:This work has been developed in the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union by the project, Next Generation of Heat Pump Technologies (NEXTGHP), grant agreement 307169. The authors thank the support given. Part of the work presented was carried by Miquel Pitarch-Mocholi with the financial support of a PhD scholarship from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors would like also to acknowledge the Spanish ‘MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD’, through the project ref-ENE2014-53311-C2-1-P-AR ‘‘Aprovechamiento del calor residual a baja temperatura mediante bombas de calor para la produccion de agua caliente” for the given support
Seasonal performance assessment of Sanitary Hot Water production systems using propane and CO2 heat pumps
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017Co-Authors: M Tammaro, Jose M Corberan, A W Mauro, C Montagud, R MastrulloAbstract:Heat pump Water heaters can increase the energy efficiency in Sanitary Hot Water production, which is a relevant share of the final energy consumption in multiresidential and tertiary buildings. Refrigerants for these heat pumps are changing due to the F-Gas Regulation which bans high-GWP fluids. While CO2 is an established solution, propane is a promising low-GWP alternative for heat pump Water heaters serving large users in the tertiary sector, where refrigerant charge limits (due to propane's flammability) can be bypassed by installing the heat pump outdoors. Here, the components of a CO2 and a propane air-Water heat pump systems of 40 kW are sized and their COPs are compared in different climates; then, the two heat pumps are coupled to a storage tank and a user demand profile (hospital and school). For three different locations, tank size necessary to maintain users' comfort and seasonal performance factor are evaluated through simulation.
R Mastrullo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Seasonal performance assessment of Sanitary Hot Water production systems using propane and CO2 heat pumps
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017Co-Authors: M Tammaro, Jose M Corberan, A W Mauro, C Montagud, R MastrulloAbstract:Heat pump Water heaters can increase the energy efficiency in Sanitary Hot Water production, which is a relevant share of the final energy consumption in multiresidential and tertiary buildings. Refrigerants for these heat pumps are changing due to the F-Gas Regulation which bans high-GWP fluids. While CO2 is an established solution, propane is a promising low-GWP alternative for heat pump Water heaters serving large users in the tertiary sector, where refrigerant charge limits (due to propane's flammability) can be bypassed by installing the heat pump outdoors. Here, the components of a CO2 and a propane air-Water heat pump systems of 40 kW are sized and their COPs are compared in different climates; then, the two heat pumps are coupled to a storage tank and a user demand profile (hospital and school). For three different locations, tank size necessary to maintain users' comfort and seasonal performance factor are evaluated through simulation.
Hot Sanitary Water production with co2 heat pumps effect of control strategy on system performance and stratification inside the storage tank
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016Co-Authors: M Tammaro, Jose M Corberan, A W Mauro, C Montagud, R MastrulloAbstract:In this work three different control strategies for the production of Sanitary Hot Water by means of an electric heat pump working with CO2 are investigated. The heat pump is a prototype, here modelled in the vapour-compression software package IMST-ART. By simulating this model, the performance of the heat pump is correlated to the boundary conditions and is scaled to different sizes, namely 1, 1.5, and 2 times larger than the reference system. After having chosen an application for which the load profile of Sanitary Hot Water during the year is known, these heat pumps are simulated in a TRNSYS16 model where the production of Sanitary Hot Water and the consumption are buffered by the presence of a tank. Key parameter in guaranteeing comfort and good performance of the system is the stratification inside the storage tank. The size of the tank necessary to keep a certain level of comfort at the user is then determined through a parametric analysis for each size of the heat pump. The energetic performance is also evaluated for each system in terms of seasonal performance factor. Then, the results obtained are compared with a different system where the heat pump is equipped with an inverter and the circulation pump follows a different control logic. The size of the tank and the seasonal performance factor are therefore determined in this case too. Moreover, a “night&day” control logic is compared to these first two options to have a baseline of comparison in terms of volume of storage needed to guarantee a same level of comfort and performance. To provide information also on the running costs, a parametric analysis was run varying the type of control, the heat pump and the tank sizes for different load profiles. The results show that the size of the heat pump has a significant effect on the comfort of the user, which usually leads to oversizing of the storage tank when the load profile is unknown. With regard to this, the results obtained for the alternative control system show a 20% reduction of the volume of the tank, given a certain level of comfort, and is therefore useful to reduce the size of the storage tank.
A propane Water-to-Water heat pump booster for Sanitary Hot Water production: Seasonal performance analysis of a new solution optimizing COP
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015Co-Authors: M Tammaro, Jose M Corberan, A W Mauro, C Montagud, R MastrulloAbstract:Abstract Electrical heat pumps for Sanitary Hot Water production achieve a high performance with a good matching of Water and refrigerant temperature profiles during the heat rejection stage, as it happens in CO 2 systems. This work considers the thermodynamic possibility to adapt the condenser pressure of a propane heat pump to maximize the COP, while producing Sanitary Hot Water up to 60 °C from a heat sink equal to 15 or 25 °C. The performance of the heat pump is calculated through specific models which, in combination with a TRNSYS model of the whole system, allowed to assess its seasonal performance for a Hotel in Strasbourg, also varying the control logic and the size of the storage tank. Results obtained led to the conclusion that, for achieving a high seasonal performance, the control logic of the tank has the largest influence.
Miquel Pitarch - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Experimental study of a heat pump with high subcooling in the condenser for Sanitary Hot Water production
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:The use of heat pumps in order to produce Sanitary Hot Water have been demonstrated as a very efficient alternative to traditional boilers. Nevertheless, the high Water temperature lift (usually from 10°C to 60°C) involved in this application has conditioned the type of used solutions. In order to overcome it, transcritical cycles have been considered as the most suitable solution. The current article analyzes a new heat pump prototype able to enhance the heat pump efficiency using a subcritical cycle. The proposed prototype is able to control the system subcooling and make it capable to work at different subcoolings in the condenser. That kind of mechanism has demonstrated its capability to increase the efficiency of the heat pump. The obtained results have shown that coefficient of performance depends strongly on subcooling. In nominal condition (inlet/outlet Water temperature at evaporator is 20°C/15°C and the Water inlet/outlet temperature in the heat sink is 10°C and 60°C), the optimal subcooling is ...
evaluation of different heat pump systems for Sanitary Hot Water production using natural refrigerants
Applied Energy, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, Emilio Navarroperis, Jose Gonzalvezmacia, Jose M CorberanAbstract:This work has been developed in the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union by the project, Next Generation of Heat Pump Technologies (NEXTGHP), grant agreement 307169. The authors thank the support given. Part of the work presented was carried by Miquel Pitarch-Mocholi with the financial support of a PhD scholarship from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors would like also to acknowledge the Spanish ‘MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD’, through the project ref-ENE2014-53311-C2-1-P-AR ‘‘Aprovechamiento del calor residual a baja temperatura mediante bombas de calor para la produccion de agua caliente” for the given support
Evaluation of different heat pump systems for Sanitary Hot Water production using natural refrigerants
Applied Energy, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:Abstract Heat pumps that work with a high degree of subcooling in subcritical systems have shown a significant margin of improvement when working with Sanitary Hot Water applications. Recently, two different approaches to overcome the high degree of subcooling have been presented in the literature: with a subcooler (separate from the condenser) and by making all the subcooling in the condenser. In this paper, a comparative evaluation between both alternatives is presented, and the obtained results are compared with a representative solution already available on the market using natural refrigerants for this application. The results of this analysis have shown that in a system with subcooling in the condenser, it is possible to obtain a COP comparable to that of transcritical CO 2 heat pump Water heaters. Furthermore, the system with subcooling has been demonstrated experimentally as being capable of producing Water up to 90 °C and has shown a COP up to 20% higher than some CO 2 commercial products (catalogue data reference).
Experimental study of a subcritical heat pump booster for Sanitary Hot Water production using a subcooler in order to enhance the efficiency of the system with a natural refrigerant (R290)
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:Abstract This paper presents the experimental results obtained from a new heat pump prototype for Sanitary Hot Water production, in the application of heat recovery from Water sources like sewage Water or condensation loops (typical temperature condition between 10 °C and 30 °C). The system configuration is able to produce a high degree of subcooling in order to take advantage from the high Water temperature glide (typical value for Sanitary Hot Water production is 10 °C to 60 °C). Subcooling is made by using a separate heat exchanger from the condenser (subcooler). The obtained results have shown a high degree of improvement by making subcooling. COP is 5.61 in nominal conditions, which is about 31% higher than the same cycle working without subcooling (Nominal point: inlet/outlet Water temperature at evaporator is 20 °C/15 °C and the Water inlet/outlet temperature in the heat sink is 10 °C and 60 °C).
Optimal sizing of a heat pump booster for Sanitary Hot Water production to maximize benefit for the substitution of gas boilers
Energy, 2017Co-Authors: Estefanía Hervas-blasco, Emilio Navarro-peris, Miquel Pitarch, Jose M CorberanAbstract:Heat recovery from Water sources such as sewage Water or condensation loops at low temperatures (usually between 10 and 30 °C) is becoming very valuable. Heat pumps are a potential technology able to overcome the high Water temperature lift of the Sanitary Hot Water (SHW) application (usually from 10 °C to 60 °C with COPs up to 6). This paper presents a model to find the optimal size of a system (heat pump and recovery heat exchanger) based on Water sources to produce SHW compared to the conventional production with a gas boiler in order to maximize the benefit. The model includes a thermal and economic analysis for a base case and analyzes the influence of a wide set of parameters which could have a significant influence. Even the uncertainties involved, results point out considerable benefits from this substitution based on the capacity of the system. Thus, demonstrating the importance of the optimal size analysis before an investment is done.
José Gonzálvez Macia - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Experimental study of a heat pump with high subcooling in the condenser for Sanitary Hot Water production
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:The use of heat pumps in order to produce Sanitary Hot Water have been demonstrated as a very efficient alternative to traditional boilers. Nevertheless, the high Water temperature lift (usually from 10°C to 60°C) involved in this application has conditioned the type of used solutions. In order to overcome it, transcritical cycles have been considered as the most suitable solution. The current article analyzes a new heat pump prototype able to enhance the heat pump efficiency using a subcritical cycle. The proposed prototype is able to control the system subcooling and make it capable to work at different subcoolings in the condenser. That kind of mechanism has demonstrated its capability to increase the efficiency of the heat pump. The obtained results have shown that coefficient of performance depends strongly on subcooling. In nominal condition (inlet/outlet Water temperature at evaporator is 20°C/15°C and the Water inlet/outlet temperature in the heat sink is 10°C and 60°C), the optimal subcooling is ...
Evaluation of different heat pump systems for Sanitary Hot Water production using natural refrigerants
Applied Energy, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:Abstract Heat pumps that work with a high degree of subcooling in subcritical systems have shown a significant margin of improvement when working with Sanitary Hot Water applications. Recently, two different approaches to overcome the high degree of subcooling have been presented in the literature: with a subcooler (separate from the condenser) and by making all the subcooling in the condenser. In this paper, a comparative evaluation between both alternatives is presented, and the obtained results are compared with a representative solution already available on the market using natural refrigerants for this application. The results of this analysis have shown that in a system with subcooling in the condenser, it is possible to obtain a COP comparable to that of transcritical CO 2 heat pump Water heaters. Furthermore, the system with subcooling has been demonstrated experimentally as being capable of producing Water up to 90 °C and has shown a COP up to 20% higher than some CO 2 commercial products (catalogue data reference).
Experimental study of a subcritical heat pump booster for Sanitary Hot Water production using a subcooler in order to enhance the efficiency of the system with a natural refrigerant (R290)
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-peris, Jose M CorberanAbstract:Abstract This paper presents the experimental results obtained from a new heat pump prototype for Sanitary Hot Water production, in the application of heat recovery from Water sources like sewage Water or condensation loops (typical temperature condition between 10 °C and 30 °C). The system configuration is able to produce a high degree of subcooling in order to take advantage from the high Water temperature glide (typical value for Sanitary Hot Water production is 10 °C to 60 °C). Subcooling is made by using a separate heat exchanger from the condenser (subcooler). The obtained results have shown a high degree of improvement by making subcooling. COP is 5.61 in nominal conditions, which is about 31% higher than the same cycle working without subcooling (Nominal point: inlet/outlet Water temperature at evaporator is 20 °C/15 °C and the Water inlet/outlet temperature in the heat sink is 10 °C and 60 °C).
Experimental results of a high efficient booster prototype system for Sanitary Hot Water production using propane as refrigerant.
2016Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, José Gonzálvez Macia, Emilio Navarro-perisAbstract:CO2 heat pumps has been used for Sanitary Hot Water production due to its good performance working with high Water temperature glides. Traditionally, it has been considered that these kind of systems are able to work in these conditions with a higher efficiency because they can match refrigerant temperature profile in the gas cooler to the Water temperature in a better way than subcritical systems. This paper presents the experimental results obtained from a new heat pump booster prototype for Sanitary Hot Water production up to 60oC using propane as refrigerant and working in subcritical conditions. The system configuration is able to overcome the high Water temperature glide (10oC to 60oC) using a system configuration in which the condenser is able to work at high subcooling without increasing significantly the condensing temperature. The obtained results present a high COP (5.4 in nominal conditions) which is quite competitive with most of the systems available in the market for these application.
Comparative analysis of optimal performance of a transcritical R744 and a high subcooling subcritical R290 heat pump for the production of Sanitary Hot Water.
2016Co-Authors: Miquel Pitarch, Emilio Navarro-peris, José Gonzálvez MaciaAbstract:Transcritical CO2 cycle has been used for Sanitary Hot Water production due to its good performance working with high Water temperature glides. Moreover recent studies have demonstrated that subcritical cycles can achieve similar performance in this kind of application. Nevertheless in both cases the performance depends critically in the optimal control of cycle internal variables like the gas cooler pressure in the transcritical cycle or the subcooling in the subcritical approach. This paper presents the model results of a subcritical Propane and transcritical CO2 heat pump that have been validated with experimental results. Based on this model a theoretical study analyzing the sensitivity of COP to subcooling in the Propane cycle has been developed. Finally, the obtained results has been compared with the sensitivity of COP to gas cooler pressure of a R744 heat pump showing that it is feasible to implement a control strategy in order to maximize COP in the high subcooling subcritical heat pump cycle.
Stephen Tangwe - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Energy management opportunities exploration in a residential air source heat pump Water heater
2020 International SAUPEC RobMech PRASA Conference, 2020Co-Authors: Mandlenkosi Sikhonza, Stephen Tangwe, Michael SimonAbstract:Air source heat pump (ASHP) Water heaters are classified as renewable and energy efficient device for Sanitary Hot Water production. The study focused on the investigation and quantification of the wasted thermal energy dissipated at the ASHP's condenser of a 1.2 kW, 150 L split type residential ASHP Water heater undergoing vapour compression refrigeration cycles due to controlled volume of Hot Water drawn off. Power meter, flow meters, temperature sensors, ambient temperature and relative humidity sensor were installed at designated positions on the ASHP Water heater. Specific control volume of 150, 50 and 100 L were drawn off from the ASHP Water heater during the morning, afternoon and evening periods each day throughout the monitoring period (October 2015 to September 2016). The results depicted that during the summer and winter periods the average input electrical energy consumed was 1.40 and 1.70 kWh, while the dissipated and the useful thermal energy were 13.65 and 4.10 kWh for summer and 14.70 and 4.07 kWh for winter, respectively. It can also be concluded that during the summer and winter periods only 30.01% and 27.63% of the dissipated thermal energy from the condenser was harnessed as useful thermal energy by the Sanitary Hot Water stored in the 150 L geyser with the heating element disabled. Hence, by the application of energy management, almost 70% of wasted thermal energy can be utilized for space heating or as backup storage, provided the ASHP Water heater is designed to function as both Hot Water and space heating device with an additional backup thermal storage.
An innovative benchmark testing to quantify saving by retrofitting geyser with Hotspot device
2018 International Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy (DUE), 2018Co-Authors: Stephen Tangwe, Michael Simon, Sandiswa QayiAbstract:Electrical geysers (high-pressure geyser, solar geyser or combinational geyser) are inefficient but widely used in the production of Sanitary Hot Water in the residential sector. The focus of the study is to demonstrate that by installing the Hotspot device on the electric element in the geyser a potential demand and energy saving can be achieved by virtue of Sanitary Hot Water production. In this study, a 150 L, 3kW high-pressure geyser without a Hotspot device and a 150 L, 3kW high-pressure geyser with a Hotspot device were setup in the horizontal configuration at the Fort Hare Institute Research Center at Alice. Controlled volumes of Hot Water (150 L, 100 L and 50 L) were drawn off from each of the geyser cylinders while the elements were switched off. After completion of the specific Hot Water withdrawal from both cylinders, the electric elements were simultaneously switched on, and both geysers were allowed to heat up the Water to its set point temperature of 55°C. It should be alluded that for each scenario of the withdrawal, the experiments were conducted for one month and in three periods of a day (morning, afternoon and evening) which concurs with the period of Hot Water demand. A data acquisition system was designed and build to monitor the power and energy consumption of the both Hot Water systems. The preliminary results depicted that the average demand reduction due to installation of the Hotspot device on an existing geyser was 0.14 kW and the average saving on the energy consumed over the three heating scenarios was 0.27/kWh, respectively.
Statistical analysis of split type air source heat pump Water heaters
2018 International Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy (DUE), 2018Co-Authors: Mandlenkosi Sikhonza, Stephen Tangwe, Michael SimonAbstract:Air source heat pump (ASHP) Water heater is an energy efficient device implemented for Sanitary Hot Water production. Mathematical models were developed and built in respect to SIRAC and Kwikot split type ASHP Water heaters that correlate the predictors (difference between Hot Water set point temperature and ambient temperature (Ts-Ta) and relative humidity (RH)) to the COP. The models depicted that the rate of change of the COP of the SIRAC and Kwikot systems with respect to the RH was −0.0006/% and 0.0189/%, respectively. Also, the rate of change in the COP of the SIRAC and Kwikot systems in relation to (Ts-Ta) was −0.0897/°C and −0.1231/°C. The models were simple and could be used to predict the COP of both systems with over 95% confidence level. Furthermore, based on the predicted COP from the mathematical models, on both systems, a significant difference was observed among the COP means of the two ASHP Water heaters with respect to all the Hot Water drawn off scenarios. The result revealed that the SIRAC performed better relative to the Kwikot type based on the one-way ANOVA test. The p-value obtained from ANOVA was 0.0180 which indicates that there is a significant difference between the COPs of both systems.
Impact of standby losses and potential reduction by installation of isotherm blanket on the Hot Water cylinders
2017 International Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy (DUE), 2017Co-Authors: Stephen Tangwe, Michael Simon, Edson L. MeyerAbstract:Air source heat pump (ASHP) Water heater is an energy-efficient device for Sanitary Hot Water production. The study focused on monitoring the electrical energy consumed to compensate for the standby losses of three Hot Water cylinders without and with isotherm blankets. Accordingly, the analysis of thermal energy losses was performed using 150 L high-pressure geyser and 150 L split and integrated types ASHP Water heaters without Hot Water being drawn off throughout the entire monitoring period. Likewise, to experimentally determine the thermal losses, a data acquisition system (DAS) was constructed to measure the average ambient temperature and relative humidity as well as the cumulative electrical energy to compensate for the standby losses. The results on average electrical energy consumed to compensate for the standby losses of the geyser, split and integrated types ASHP Water heaters without the isotherm blankets were 2.71 kWh, 1.33 kWh and 0.94 kWh, respectively. The introduction of a 40 mm thick isotherm blankets on the Hot Water cylinders resulted in the electrical energy reduction by 18.5%, 15.8% and 3.2 % for the geyser, split and integrated types ASHP Water heaters, respectively. The multiple comparison tests revealed a significant difference on the geyser standby losses under the two configurations.
Design of a heat pump Water heater performance monitoring system: To determine performance of a split type system
Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, 2016Co-Authors: Stephen Tangwe, Michael Simon, Edson L. MeyerAbstract:Purpose This paper aims to show that by using air source heat pump (ASHP) Water heater in the residential sector, the energy consumption from Sanitary Hot Water production can be reduced by more than 50 per cent. Hence, this study quantitatively and qualitatively confirms that domestic ASHP Water heater is a renewable and energy efficient device for Sanitary Hot Water production. Design/methodology/approach Design and building of a data acquisition system comprises a data logger, power meters, flow meters, temperature sensors, ambient and relative humidity sensor and an electronic input pulse adapter to monitor the ASHP Water heater performance. All the sensors are accommodated by the U30-NRC data logger. The temperature sensors are installed on the inlet pipe containing a flow meter and the outlet pipe of the ASHP unit, the vicinity of both evaporator and expel cold air. An additional temperature sensor and a flow meter that cater for Hot Water drawn off measurements are incorporated into the data acquisition system (DAS). Findings The result from a specific monitoring split type ASHP Water heater gives an average daily coefficient of performance (COP) of 2.36 and the total electrical energy of 4.15 kWh, and volume of Hot Water drawn off was 273 L. These results were influenced by ambient temperature and relative humidity. Research limitations/implications The cost involved in purchasing the entire sensors and data logger limits the number and categories of ASHP Water heaters whose performance were going to be monitored. Pressure sensors were excluded in the data acquisition system. Practical implications The data acquisition system can easily be designed and the logger can also be easily programed. Hence, no high technical or computer skills are needed to install the DAS and to be able to read out the results. Social implications Hence, the data acquisition system can be installed on the entire domestic Eskom roll out air source heat pump Water heaters to effectively determine the coefficient of performance and demand reductions. Originality/value This DAS is the first of its kind to be built in South Africa to be used to determine the performance of an ASHP Water heater with high accuracy and precision. DAS is also robust.